Dow Niposit Nickel Stripper 424 | Seacole

Dow Niposit Nickel Stripper 424

Niposit Nickel Stripper 424 rapidly strips electroless nickel-phosphorus deposits from mild steel and steel alloys without substrate attack.

Product Features

  • Rapid Stripping-1.0 to 1.5 mils of Niposit electroless nickel is stripped per hour when bath is freshly made up
  • High Yield-Niposit Nickel Stripper 424 strips approximately 3 mil fit of nickel deposit per gallon of made-up bath before stripping rate becomes too slow
  • High Stability-the bath is extremely stable, even when kept at operating temperature for extended periods of time
  • Non-cyanide-the bath does not contain cyanide
  • No Pitting of Steel-Niposit Nickel Stripper 424 does not pit steel substrates

Link to Dow Niposit Nickel Stripper 424