Dow Ronapol 200 | Seacole

Dow Ronapol 200

Ronapol 200 is an anodic polish for copper and copper alloys, for example phosphor-bronze and beryllium-copper, giving smooth, brilliant surface finishes. Ronapol 200 is designed to be used in reel-to-reel equipment as part of the pretreatment prior to plating. The process will operate over a wide range of current densities and does not crystallize on cooling. Ronapol 200 is formulated to have a long life, being semi-sludging; most of the metallic salts produced during electropolishing settle to the bottom of the tank. Performance in normal rack applications, for example metal burr removal, is excellent. Where parts are subsequently to be electroplated, de-passivation in 10-15% hydrochloric acid or a cathodic activator is necessary.

Product Features

  • Operation over a wide current density range
  • Long life solution
  • Excellent metal burr removal

Link to Dow Ronapol 200