Metal Chem Meta-Mate Zincate 40 | Seacole

Metal Chem Meta-Mate Zincate 40

META-MATE ZINCATE 40 is a cyanide free dilute zincate process for processing aluminum and its alloys. META-MATE ZINCATE 40 removes aluminum oxide and applies a thin zinc film on the aluminum alloy by immersion to prevent its re-oxidation. This film can then be electroplated with copper, nickel and certain other electrolytic processes as well as with electroless nickel. The dilute META-MATE ZINCATE 40 solution has low viscosity that rapidly penetrates the water film present on the cleaned aluminum. This new alloy process produces a denser, more uniform zinc film than what can be found with most other conventional zincates. This film has improved adhesion to the aluminum, helping to insure excellent adhesion of the subsequent plate.


Product Features

  • Promotes excellent adhesion of electroplated and electroless processes: eliminates rejects and improves quality.
  • Cyanide-free process: eliminates cost of waste treatment to destroy cyanide.
  • Improves surface conditioning: reduces necessity for double zincating.
  • Can be used in both rack and barrel installations: reduces number of materials to be stocked and handled; saves storage space.
  • Low dragout: economical to use.
  • Free rinsing: minimum carry-over of zincate into plating baths.
  • Uniform zinc coating on complex parts: excellent for plating screw threads, blind holes, grooves, porous castings.
  • Resists lateral corrosion: improved corrosion resistance at scratches, edges, etc.
  • Wide range of operating conditions: precise control not necessary.

Link to Metal Chem Meta-Mate Zincate 40 TDS